Andrey Polyakov Apps

My Maps 0.1.3
Andrey Polyakov
***NO LONGER SUPPORTED*** I am no longer able to update/supportthis app. Keep that in mind before purchasing. Sorry about that :(Try the Ad Supported version first before buying! ****************** My Maps is an Android-onlyapp that allows you to see your current GPS location overlaid overa user-supplied map (PNG, JPG, and GIF supported).***INSTRUCTIONS*** 1) Find a map that you would like to use (higherresolution and image size is better). Often park websites have aPDF of the trail maps (see step 2). 2) Convert to appropriateformat if necessary. Online PDF conversion sites available from: 3) Create a new map by tapping theplus icon from the main screen. 4) Fill in a name, notes (if youwant), and pick an image file, tap the save icon. 5) Open the mapwith a short-tap from the list. 6) Add two reference points to beable to see your location. ***ADDING REFERENCE POINTS*** To be ableto use an image file as a map, it needs to be georeferenced (setrelative scale and rotation) first by adding two reference points.1) With the desired map open, tap the plus icon. 2) Move and zoomthe map so the crosshair is over the desired position of thereference point and tap the check box icon. 3) You now have twooptions: use your current location, or enter a pre-determinedlatitude and longitude. 3a) To use the your current GPScoordinates, check the box titled "Use Current Location" and waituntil the accuracy is at a reasonable value (10 meters is the bestI've seen), then tap Create. 3b) Otherwise, enter the coordinatesusing decimal form (eg: 48.6940, -123.412256) with as many decimalplaces as possible. ***MODIFYING REFERENCE POINTS*** Once created,reference points can be moved and their GPS coordinates changed. 1)Ensure you can see the points on the map (Enable Visibility fromthe Settings). 2) Tap on the reference point on the map (zoom in ifnecessary). 3) Change the GPS data as desired. If you would like tomove the reference point, check the box titled: "Set new bitmapcoordinates" 4) Tap Save, or Delete if you would like to removethat reference point. ***ACCURACY NOTES*** As this is a betaversion, currently only the first two reference points are used incalculating your position. As such, your displayed position is mostaccurate in between the set reference points. (Send me an email andtell me how accurate it has been for you!) Additionally, if the mapyou are using is not to scale...I can't really help you, try andfind a better map. ***BUG REPORTS / COMMENTS**** If you get anyForce Close messages, please send the bug report, it's the best wayfor me to be able to fix any problems you are experiencing. Anycomments and suggestions can be sent to me by email [email protected] and are highly appreciated (good or bad)!***DISCLAIMER*** I take no responsibility for anything bad thathappens as a result of using my app. GPS should never be reliedupon and does not replace good navigational skills or common sense.Use at your own discretion.
My Maps (Ad Supported) 0.1.3
***NO LONGER SUPPORTED*** I am no longer able to update/supportthisapp. Sorry about that :( ****************** My Maps isanAndroid-only app that allows you to see your current GPSlocationoverlaid over a user-supplied map (PNG, JPG, and GIFsupported).Like my app? Buy the ad-free version:***INSTRUCTIONS*** 1) Find a map that you wouldlike to use (higherresolution and image size is better). Often parkwebsites have aPDF of the trail maps (see step 2). 2) Convert toappropriateformat if necessary. Online PDF conversion sitesavailable from: 3) Create a new mapby tapping theplus icon from the main screen. 4) Fill in a name,notes (if youwant), and pick an image file, tap the save icon. 5)Open the mapwith a short-tap from the list. 6) Add two referencepoints to beable to see your location. ***ADDING REFERENCEPOINTS*** To be ableto use an image file as a map, it needs to begeoreferenced (setrelative scale and rotation) first by adding tworeference points.1) With the desired map open, tap the plus icon.2) Move and zoomthe map so the crosshair is over the desiredposition of thereference point and tap the check box icon. 3) Younow have twooptions: use your current location, or enter apre-determinedlatitude and longitude. 3a) To use the your currentGPScoordinates, check the box titled "Use Current Location" andwaituntil the accuracy is at a reasonable value (10 meters is thebestI've seen), then tap Create. 3b) Otherwise, enter thecoordinatesusing decimal form (eg: 48.6940, -123.412256) with asmany decimalplaces as possible. ***MODIFYING REFERENCE POINTS***Once created,reference points can be moved and their GPScoordinates changed. 1)Ensure you can see the points on the map(Enable Visibility fromthe Settings). 2) Tap on the reference pointon the map (zoom in ifnecessary). 3) Change the GPS data asdesired. If you would like tomove the reference point, check thebox titled: "Set new bitmapcoordinates" 4) Tap Save, or Delete ifyou would like to removethat reference point. ***ACCURACY NOTES***As this is a betaversion, currently only the first two referencepoints are used incalculating your position. As such, yourdisplayed position is mostaccurate in between the set referencepoints. (Send me an email andtell me how accurate it has been foryou!) Additionally, if the mapyou are using is not to scale...Ican't really help you, try andfind a better map. ***BUG REPORTS /COMMENTS**** If you get anyForce Close messages, please send thebug report, it's the best wayfor me to be able to fix any problemsyou are experiencing. Anycomments and suggestions can be sent to meby email [email protected] and are highly appreciated (goodor bad)!***DISCLAIMER*** I take no responsibility for anything badthathappens as a result of using my app. GPS should never bereliedupon and does not replace good navigational skills or commonsense.Use at your own discretion.